Laboratory Services
Laboratory Services
Full Service Testing

Comprehensive Testing Services
The American Red Cross offers comprehensive testing services through a coordinated system of nationwide laboratories, offering synergized expertise across a network of laboratory specialties. We offer testing services not only for donors and collected blood but also for patients who require transfusion or transplantation services. Our dedicated patient testing is tailored to guide the unique transfusion needs of individuals with specific diseases and conditions. In addition, Red Cross is the sole provider of several highly specialized tests.

Expert Consultations
The American Red Cross offers world-class consultation and training to some of the most renowned organizations and institutions in the country. Our team of experts are up to date with the latest industry advancements and can recommend cutting-edge tests and technologies. Moreover, our laboratories are staffed with more Specialists in Blood Banking (SBB) than any other provider in the United States. We offer customized patient testing and product recommendations through clinical consultations with our expert laboratory staff and medical directors to support better patient outcomes.

Specialty Blood Products
The American Red Cross houses the most extensive collection of blood products in the nation. With the help of our comprehensive testing services, coupled with our experienced staff, we can identify and provide the most suitable blood products for individual patient requirements, including rare blood products through our partnership with the American Rare Donor Program.
Our Testing Services

Immunohematology Reference Services
- Red blood cell antibody identification
- DAT-negative hemolytic anemia investigation
- Donath-Landsteiner test
- Cold agglutinin screen and thermal amplitude test

Histocompatibility Services
- HLA-matched platelet support for refractory patients
- Related and unrelated donor hematopoietic cell transplant (HCT) support
- HLA antibody screen and single antigen bead (SAB) specificity identification (Class I and/or Class II)
- Low resolution typing by SSO or SSP for HLA-A/B/C/DR/DQ/DP

Molecular Blood Group and Platelet Genotyping Services
- Human erythrocyte antigen (HEA) panel
- Identification of D variants including weak, partial, and Del
- Identification of C, c, E, e variants including V, VS, hrB and hrS status
- Identification of variant and null antigens in FY, KEL, JK, LU [including In(Lu)], MNS, YT, KN, XK (McLeod)
- And human platelet antigen (HPA) genotyping

Specialized Testing Services
- Platelet transfusion refractoriness panels
- Platelet crossmatching
- Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) panel
- Fetal/ neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (FNAIT) investigation and monitoring

Neutrophil Services
- Neutrophil antibody identification
- Monoclonal antibody immobilization of neutrophil antigens (MAINA)
- Neutrophil antibody screening
- Human neutrophil antigen (HNA) genotyping

For more information on all Red Cross testing capabilities, download the Saving Lives Through Testing brochure.ÌýÌý
Red Cross Laboratories
Red Cross Laboratories
Supporting your patient needs through an extensive suite of products and services
Supporting your patient needs through an extensive suite of products and services
Laboratory Leadership
Laboratory Leadership
At the American Red Cross, the testing of blood goes beyond results, and includes leadership dedicated towards helping hospitals deliver the best possible care.
Provide Safe & Cost-Effective Blood Products and Services
American Rare Donor Program
The American Rare Blood Donor Program (ARDP) was first established as a collaboration between AABB and the American Red Cross. The program, headquartered in Philadelphia, aims to ensure that rare blood is available for patients who need it. The ARDP utilizes their extensive network and large, centralized database of rare donors to locate rare and Rh allele-matched blood products worldwide.

DNA and Relationship Testing through a Trusted Provider
Did you know the American Red Cross has offered DNA and Relationship Testing for over 25 years? Our state-of-the-art laboratory in Portland, Oregon, offers accredited, court-admissible testing for individuals, healthcare providers, legal entities, and government agencies, all conducted by certified professionals who adhere to accepted standards. Click to learn more about our comprehensive services.