HbF Quantification by Flow Cytometry

Quantifying fetal red blood cells in Rh-negative mothers plays a crucial role in assessing the risk of hemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN), most often caused by Rh incompatibility. The utility of this test is to determine the dosing for Rh immunoglobulin (RhIg) administration to prevent sensitization and protect future pregnancies. Additionally, this test can quantify fetomaternal hemorrhage in obstetric trauma.

Test Type
Specialized Testing

Additional Test Name(s)
Fetal Hemoglobin
Hemoglobin F/HgbF/HbF Detection
Fetomaternal Hemorrhage Quantification

Sample Notes
Whole blood (EDTA or ACD). Do not centrifuge or separate. Must be submitted in the original collection tube. Note: Samples should be tested within 3 days of collection.
- Samples received at ambient temperature will be rejected.

Requested Volume
At least 1 mL.

Shipping Information
Ship on wet ice
Samples received at ambient temperature will be rejected.

Flow Cytometry

Turnaround Time
1-2 business days

Accepts NY State Samples
If you have an account, you can place this order online using "CONNECT".
Or, contact the lab directly.
National Reference Laboratory for Specialized Testing
(215) 451-4205
(215) 351-0179