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Two techs will verify that the proper products are selected and disposed and each will record initials and date to document the disposal. Reviewer records initial and date to document review of the completed form Revision HistoryRevision NumberSummary of Revisions1.0Initial Version [Document converted from 07.05.PPL.00.00(FRM1) HPC Disposal Authorization] ### I authorize disposal of the following HPC, Apheresis products collected from the patient listed. Patient Name ______________________________ ID# _________________________ Reason for Disposal: ___________________________________________________________ HPC, Apheresis _______________ _______________ _______________ Products to Dispose _______________ _______________ _______________ _____________________________________________ ______________________ Transplant Physician Signature Date _____________________________________________ Print Transplant Physician Name ARC USE ONLY ARC Medical Director Approval of Disposal _________________________________________ _________________ ARC Medical Director Signature Date _________________________________________ Print ARC Medical Director Name Patient Name: ____________________________________ ID# ________________________________________ Method of Disposal: _____________________________________ HPC, Apheresis Product(s) Disposed: Disposal Tech Verify tech (initials/date) (initials/date) ____________________________________ _____________ ______________ ____________________________________ _____________ ______________ ____________________________________ _____________ ______________ ____________________________________ _____________ ______________ Reviewed By / Date: ______________________________     American Red Cross Biomedical Services Page  PAGE 2 of  SECTIONPAGES 2 Form: HPC, Apheresis Disposal Authorization 16.4.Zfrm031 W2029 v1.0 American Red Cross Biomedical ServicesDoc No 16.4.Zfrm031 W2029Version 1.0Form: HPC, Apheresis Disposal Authorization  American Red Cross Biomedical Services Instructions - Page  PAGE 1 of  SECTIONPAGES 1 Form: HPC, Apheresis Disposal Authorization 16.4.Zfrm031 W2029 v1.0 American Red Cross Biomedical Services Page  PAGE 2 of  SECTIONPAGES 2 Form: HPC, Apheresis Disposal Authorization 16.4.Zfrm031 W2029 v1.0 American Red Cross Washington, DC 20006HPC, Apheresis Disposal Authorization American Red Cross Biomedical Services Page  PAGE 1 of 1 Form: HPC, Apheresis Disposal Authorization 16.4.Zfrm031 W2029 v1.0  EMju~@ L M U W X [ ] c d 4 5 J        $ & L _ y 鷳h{/^JaJ h{/^Jh \ShXv^Jh$Z^hXv5^JhXv h \ShXvhP hlhw@CJOJQJaJhV hlhw@CJOJQJaJhPhWhR hlhwhM{bhwh<h{%5j@ M d  4 5 J <   gdw & F gd8 & F gdRgd8 0*$gdB & F gd8 gdBgdBgd<   % & 6 K $$Ifa$gdXv;kd$$Ifl$$$64 lal $IfgdXv & F8^8`gdPK L P |o xx$IfgdXv$xx$Ifa$gdXvskd[$$Ifl0$ 0$64 lal   q r xxxxxxxxx 0*$gd<'gd%U'gddEskd $$Ifl0$ 0$64 lal    # 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