What We Do

Donor/Recipient Health & Epidemiology
Surveillance, risk assessments, and survey research of transfusion-transmitted infectious agents; ARCNet; Mitigating iron loss in donors; Donor safety studies; Donor and Recipient Hemovigilance program

Novel testing methods, applications, assay claims and platforms for infectious diseases; Donor-related clinical trials for transfusion-transmitted agents; Pathogen inactivation; Pre-clinical and clinical trial testing

Molecular & Genomic Investigations
Red Cells, Platelets, White Cells (Histocompatibility Leukocyte Antigens)

Product Development
Innovative products to improve transfusion medicine; Flow cytometry assay development; Licensing studies for laboratory tests and radiolabeling

Product Safety and Blood Center Operations
Component storage; Pathogen inactivation; Bacterial detection; Validation studies; Potency studies

Infectious Disease Repository
Sample repository of infectious disease test positive plasma and red cells

Vendor Sponsored Studies
Investigator-initiated studies; Centers of Excellence (COE)
Research Spotlight

Prevalence data from the first four years of the Transfusion-Transmissible Infections Monitoring System (TTIMS) provided below shows HIV, HBV and HCV prevalence per 100,000 donations at 6-month intervals from October 1, 2015 – September 30, 2019. TTIMS combines data from four US blood collection organizations (the American Red Cross, New York Blood Center, OneBlood and Vitalant) to represent ~60% of all U.S. donations. The figure from a recent publication in Transfusion () shows no significant change over time for HIV, HBV or HCV rates after the implementation of the 12-month MSM deferral (from indefinite). The yellow band indicates 12-month MSM implementation period at the four TTIMS centers. Implementation of the reduced MSM deferral occurred from August to December 2016. Six-month intervals are notated on the x-axis by combined quarters. For example, 15Q4_16Q1 is 2015 Quarter 4 and 2016 Quarter 1 combined. Linear regression used to test for trend: HIV (R2 =0.063, p=NS), HBV (R2 =0.045, p=NS), HCV (R2 =0.061, p=NS).
Steele WR, Dodd RY, Notari EP, et al. Prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B virus, and hepatitis C virus in United States blood donations, 2015 to 2019: The Transfusion-Transmissible Infections Monitoring System (TTIMS) [published online ahead of print, 2020 Aug 31]. Transfusion. 2020;10.1111/trf.16005. doi:10.1111/trf.16005